Best Linux Resources

Most popular Linux Distributions

From the list of 100s of Linux distros, my recommendation to any newbie is to use the following linux distros

  • Ubuntu Clan 
Primary differences are in the desktop used and the application bundle provided. Ubuntu uses Gnome, Kubuntu KDE, Xubuntu XFCE & Lubuntu LXDE. LXDE & XFCE are lighter than Gnome or Kubuntu. Edubuntu is Ubuntu with educational apps & Ubuntu studio is Ubuntu specialized for multimedia editing and creation.
  • Debian
The father distro of Ubuntu, Mint and other derivatives. Normally it is classified as "for advanced linux users". I am not a technical geek in any sense but currently running my P4 PC with Debian Wheezy. Debian has both stable (denotes tested & proven release, recommended by Debian), testing (on the way to become stable), unstable (in active development). Current stable distribution is Wheezy and testing is Sid. 
  • Linux Mint
Mint, of late, is giving Mate & Cinnamon as well as KDE and XFCE as desktop environments which in turn are derived from Gnome 2 & 3 respectively. Essentially this is an Ubuntu derivative with a lot of features packed inside. I found it to work on any system.
  • Fedora
Another pivotal Linux distro with new release every year. It brings on the table what cutting edge Linux has to offer and is great for productivity purpose. I found Fedora to be highly stable and offer good performance. Fedora helps me to keep track of the latest happening in Redhat stable. Fedora comes in all flavors: Gnome, KDE, XFCE and LXDE.

  • ArchLinux clan
Arch itself with a derivatives like Manjaro, Bridge Linux, Archbang, etc. comprise the Arch clan. They are for those who love to experiment with bleeding edge Linux. You can be sure of getting the latest applications and kernels, before any other distro, if you are using Arch. I have Archbang installed on my P4 PC with 1 GB RAM and it runs like a beast offering incredible speed and performance. However, it is not for faint hearted as things may at times break and you may need to get your hands dirty.

  • OpenSuse
  • Puppy Linux
  • Bodhi Linux

Document Processors

Complete Suite: Word processor, Spreadsheet & Powerpoint along with Base (similar to Access), Math and Draw
  •  Libreoffice    
  • Open Office  
  • Calligra
 Lightweight Office Suite
  • Abiword   
  • Gnumeric


Firefox is the best followed by Chrome and Opera


Most of them works for Gtalk, Yahoo, Facebook & MSN, integrating all at one place.
  • Pidgin 
  •   Empathy 
  • Kopete 
  • X-chat 
  •   Skype
  • Emesene 
  • TeamSpeak

Facebook, Twitter,

  • Gwibber: Simple but really powerful

RSS Feed Reader

  • Liferea   
  •   Akregator 
  • RSSOwl

Email Client

  • Thunderbird  
  • Claws Mail  
  •   Evolution
  • KMail


  • GIMP 
  •  Shotwell 
  • Inkscape 
  • F-Spot 
  • DigiKam 
  • Darktable (to work with dark negatives & raw images)
Webcam Booth
  • Cheese
Video Players
  • VLC
  • Totem
Audio Players
  • Amarok
  • Rhythmbox
  • Banshee
  • Sound Juicer

  •  Clementine

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  1. Clementine might be a worthwhile addition to the audio players section

    1. I'd second Clementine. The best media player I've come across and the main one I use.

    2. Thanks Phil. Missed out on clementine. Now I've added it to the Audio players list.

    3. Very nice audio player. I specially like the way the music fades in and out gently and not in an abrupt fashion. Love it.

    4. I just learned of Clementine, D/L'ed it, Let it install and watched with wonder at the smoothness and completeness as it finished. I was SO GLAD I did not have to do that install myself. There sat a GUI this WinMediaPlayer user felt at home with. WOW!
      I was Set UP, Done, complete! BUT!
      I am addicted to MIDI file music. It would not recognise any MIDI's. WHA-A-A-A-A !

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  2. it time to additional Geary.

  3. Gwenview is great to look at Photos/Images (and do elementary operations on it).
    DeaDBeeF is great for music (a bit like Foobar2000 on Windows).

    (And a small question: does Ubuntu still use Gnome, or Unity by default instead?)

    1. Agreed - I'll update the list soon and have a lot of applications to add.

      On your question, Ubuntu uses Gnome 3 with Unity on top of it. Unity is still inefficient and not stable - but it is getting better with every release.

      Hopefully by 2014, Unity will be rock stable :).


  4. "Current stable distribution is Squeeze, testing is Wheezy and ..."

    You should change this as often as a new release of Debian. Current Stable is now Wheezy and Jessie is testing!

    1. Thanks for pointing it out. I forgot to update this page for at least a year or so! :) I'll update it this week.

  5. "Current stable distribution is Squeeze, testing is Wheezy and unstable is Sid. "

    You have still not updated the page; I guess its ok but new comers may get confused!

    Thanks anyways for the great job you're doing; I always admire the table at the end of your reviews!


    1. Hi,
      Thanks for liking my blog. Yes, I need to update this page. Hopefully I'll find sometime this weekend to update :).


  6. I dunno, clementine is good but seems bit to heavy. Audacious has been my choice of music player in long run. Also, SMplayer is one serious contender if you're bored using VLC. Some even claim it to be better, but I keep both of them around. Have you tested them? I would also like to see some individual alternative of PowerPoint, I don't like to install entire office suite for my miserly needs, you've any good suggestion?

    1. I second SMplayer for it's wealth of options. One day in class I was showing a video where the subtitles where lagging behind the video constantly. Total running time of subtitles was longer than that of the movie. This had to be adjusted on the fly every minute or so, it was not enough to tweak the subtitle delay settings once. Sure enough, SMplayer had shortcuts for that. I was able to get through an hour of video without any student noticing I was constantly tweaking the subtitle timing.
      No other video player that I know of can do that on the fly using shortcuts, user has to go through menus which would ruin the experience for my students. SMplayer has a wealth of such rarely used options that come in really handy when you need them.

  7. Please spend KaOS GNU/Linux a try ;)

  8. You should try and include SeaMonkey — it is just like Firefox was before Mozilla started making it look like a Chrome clone, can use many of the same extensions and has Thunderbird's capabilities (email, RSS/Atom, USENET) as well.

  9. Audacious is the best music client. Great list!

  10. qmmp, great, low on resources, skinable, good plugins, good sound quality, won't ever notice it's there!

  11. i think we shoukd add Mageia/openMandrva/Rosa tree to the disto part :)

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  13. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    also, check Linux Classes in Pune
