2012 has been a great year for Linux. We saw quite a few innovations this year and quite a few ridiculous ones as well. In overall, I feel 2012 has been a landmark for the Linux world - we saw KDE gaining strength to strength with KDE 4.9, Gnome losing grounds to Cinnamon and Mate, XFCE and LXDE staying more or less the same without trying anything ridiculous, Gnome 3 developers finally having some sense to add a shutdown option, Ubuntu pitching for higher social network integration with Unity, Elementary OS rocking the Linux world without even its first final release out, and a whole lot of others. In overall, Linux distributions became more reliable, installed correctly without much effort, detected hardware much more precisely and are more beautiful than Linux ever had been. So, expecting a lot of the innovations to continue in 2013 as well, I wish to all Linux fans a very happy and prosperous new year. May everyone find their best Linux match this year :).
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