
Monday, November 21, 2011

Mac theme for Ubuntu using Cairo Dock

I tried a couple of popular docks like Docky and Cairo dock; simply put I am very much impressed with the Cairo dock. Docky doesn't give the 3D view in my Asus netbook with Intel Atom processor. However, Cairo dock simply gives a mind blowing 3D view as you can see below.

Adding Cairo is very simple from the terminal. Just type the following commands sequentially:

1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team/ppa
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install cairo-dock

Cairo dock will get installed to your system. Now it has two versions

  • Cairo dock with OpenGL: For computers with higher RAM and processor speed
  • Cairo dock with no OpenGL: For older computers like mine :).

To enable the first one at start up, just go to Applications -> System Tools -> GLX Dock. Then at the Ubuntu sign, right click and choose Cairo Dock to click an option there to enable at start up. However, you can't enable the lighter dock with no OpenGL from there - you have to go to System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications. From there click on Add to type in the following as shown below:

Next time when you start, the lighter Cairo dock will be at your screen.

I'll add about a few essential softwares to install in Ubuntu 11.04 in my next post with the easiest way to install them.

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